Purvangi Shukla

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Blogs serve as an effective communication tool to spread psychological awareness and encourage mental wellbeing among people.

Who Needs a Therapist?

HOW DO I KNOW I NEED TO SEE THERAPIST? Are you thinking of seeing a

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The Role of Parenting – Counselling, Psychotherapy or talk therapy makes lots of difference in

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How do you gain the trust of your partner after infidelity?

Relationships or Marriage Life is extremely rough as well as a soft patch of anyone’s

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How do Psychotherapy or counselling sessions work

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Why is Counselling important for children

Counselling for children is one of the systematic approaches to dealing with emotionality and mental

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What do you mean by Child Counselling? This question may arise when you find your

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difference between child guidance and counselling

You are a parent and you may look for professional help for your kid. But

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How Mindfulness Meditation Can Benefit Your Mental Wellbeing

Psychology works on your inner well-being. It is not that you take something and change

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How to Build Resilience

Resilience does not mean only success but how you would accommodate yourself in any given

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How to Boost Self-Esteem and Confidence with Psychology

Would you like to assess your Self-Esteem and confidence and why you have an issue

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How Psychologists Can Help You Overcome Depression

Depression is a multifaceted mental health problem. It is difficult many times to figure out

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How to Improve Your Mental Health with Positive Thinking

How to Improve Your Mental Health with Positive Thinking

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How to Manage Stress and Anxiety Tips from a Psychologist

In How to Manage Stress and Anxiety, Lots of information flooded about. Of course, you

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Science of Therapy - Are therapies effective

Science of Therapy – Are therapies effective

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Is online therapy effective

Online therapy is also known as telepsychology. Telepsychology means a consultant, therapist, or psychologist intervene

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Why Should I Go to Therapy

I love to share “Why Should I Go to Therapy” with you details about the

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top 5 benefits of anger management therapy

Anger, many of us face this issue nowadays very commonly. Why do we choose anger

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What are the symptoms of Anxiety

Before understand symptoms of Anxiety, it is important to understand Anxiety. What is anxiety? Why

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Top 5 symptoms of depression with reason

Symptoms of depression – Depression very chronic mental state. Depression can be understood by the

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Effective Methods to Ease Depression in 2 Days

As you are reading this blog means you really need expert help to ease your

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Why do so many people have depression in today's society

Many of us have question that, Why do so many people have depression in today’s

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Unravelling the Main Objectives of Corporate Training Empowering Organizations for Success

Introduction Main Objectives of Corporate Training In the fast-paced and ever-evolving corporate world, the need

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Psychology Tips

Welcome to know more about , “Empowering Your Mind,” where we’ll explore simple and practical

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